Boost Efficiency with DevOps Automation Tools
With i3 DevOps, you can drive operational efficiencies, manage infrastructure as code, prioritize visibility and collaboration, and deliver immediate feedback to improve customer satisfaction.

DevOps Toolchain: Full CI/CD
Provides continuous software updates to end-users with continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CI/CD) to reduce development costs and risks, as well as strengthen release cycle.

DevOps Toolchain: WA Automation and Performance Test
Get the ability to validate the code works as expected, while automate UI tests to enable development and operations teams collaborate across the entire lifecycle.

Centralized Log Management Monitoring
Get a comprehensive and cetralized approach for log management including data and security using automated tools to collect from across an IT infrastructure.

Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Analyzes source code to find security vulnerabilities that make your business applications susceptible to attack start from the development process.

Vault Secret Management
Control access to secrets and encryption keys by authenticating against trusted sources of identity.

Container Security
Implementing security tools and policies in your container, including protection of infrastructure, software supply chain, runtime, and everything between.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
Analyzing a web application through the front-end to find vulnerabilities through simulated attacks to evaluate the application from the “outside in” such as malicious users.

i3GIS: end-to-end DevSecOps platform in a single dashboard
Secure your business start from app developing process with i3GIS, end-to-end platform from single dashboard. I3GIS is providing comprehensive solution with modular feature for easy future enhancement.

i3 is supported by the DevOps team to help the business to increase operational efficiency while managing the infrastructure as code. Emphasize visibility and collaboration in application operations while improving customer experience with rapid feedback to your business.

Professional Certified
Professional certification from Red Hat, DevOps Foundation, DevSecOps Foudnation, and DevSecOps Professional.

In-depth DevOps Capability
i3 has extensive experience with DevOps solutions (including CI/CD automation, Monitoring and Central Logging, DevSecOps (Code Review, Container Security, and Secret Management), and Automation QA (Katalon and Performance Testing) to improve efficiency and effectivity of DevOps utilization.

Flexible Scaling
Integrate with local and global cloud services by adjusting the number of applications or devices used by customers.

Proven Methodology
Adaptable with Scrum and Agile methodologies as well as OWASP in web development that ensure and align with business needs.

Adaptable with SCRUM and OWASP 4
Use SCRUM for application development and OWASP 4 for application vulnerability testing.

International Security Standard
Use OWASP 4 for application development security and CIS Benchmark and Red Hat as international baseline security standards.



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